Breast Augmentation

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Procedure Overview

What is Breast Augmentation?

Thinking about breast augmentation? You're not alone. Many women choose this procedure to achieve a shape and size that makes them feel more confident. Here's a guide to answer some of your questions and help you navigate the process. Breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement or a boob job, is a surgical procedure to increase breast size or improve their shape. Silicone implants are inserted behind the breast tissue or chest muscle to create a fuller, more balanced look.

Who is Breast Augmentation Surgery For?

Breast augmentation surgery is a personal choice and rather than about chasing an unrealistic airbrushed ideal it’s about creating a silhouette that makes you feel confident and beautiful.

There’s no such thing as “normal” breasts. They come in all shapes and sizes, and what matters most is how you feel in your own skin. Breast augmentation can help you achieve a look that complements your body and reflects your inner confidence.

Here are some common reasons women choose breast augmentation:

Dissatisfaction with Breast Size: If you feel your breasts are too small and this negatively impacts your self-confidence or clothing choices, augmentation can help you achieve a more desired size.

Breast Asymmetry: Many women have naturally uneven breasts. Surgery can correct this asymmetry, creating a more balanced appearance.

Changes After Pregnancy or Weight Loss: Pregnancy and weight fluctuations can cause breasts to lose volume or change shape. Augmentation can help restore fullness and achieve a perkier look.

Reconstruction After Mastectomy: Breast augmentation can be used for breast reconstruction following a mastectomy, helping women regain a sense of normalcy and balance.

Improved Body Image and Confidence: Ultimately, many women choose breast augmentation to boost their self-esteem and feel more confident in their bodies.

During your consultation, Hiroshi will discuss your goals, assess your individual anatomy, and recommend the best course of action to achieve a natural-looking and safe outcome.

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Silicone Breast Implants

Understanding the pros and cons is crucial for making an informed decision.


Silicone gel aims to mimic the feeling of natural breast tissue, offering a smoother and rounder appearance.

Results are more predictable than lipofilling (fat injections).

Risks and Complications:

Capsular Contracture: This is a complication where scar tissue tightens around the implant, potentially causing pain and breast shape changes. The cause is multifactorial, but surgical technique, implant type, and patient factors may play a role. The incidence of capsule formation  is variable. Within the first five years this ranges from 1 to about 10% but can increase over time.

Long-Term Complications: Silicone implants aren’t permanent. Changes in volume or consistency may indicate rupture or leakage, requiring replacement. The timeframe for this varies greatly. There is also a very rare form of cancer called BIA-ALCL associated with some types of silicone implants.


Being informed is key. Here’s a quick guide to what to expect:

Realistic Expectations: While achieving your desired look is the goal, there’s no guarantee of perfect size or shape. Surgeons work hard for optimal results, but open communication is essential.

Potential Complications: As with any surgery, there are risks. Short-term concerns like infection or bleeding are rare, but long-term complications like capsule formation (hardening around the implant) can occur. This can cause pain and change breast shape.

Implant Lifespan: Implants aren’t permanent. Changes in volume or feel might indicate a rupture or leak, requiring replacement. The timeframe for this varies greatly.

During your consultation Hiroshi will assess your individual anatomy and any potential complications.

What to expect - From Consultation to Surgery

During your consultation, Hiroshi takes time to understand your aims and needs as a patient and conducts a thorough examination and breast assessment. He will discuss the best type of breast implant, shape and size for your frame as well as what outcomes you can expect.

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The Surgery

If you decide to go ahead with the operation, you will need to undergo a nurse led preoperative assessment to ensure that you will be fit enough for surgery. You will have skin swabs taken to ensure that you are free of MRSA and if required other appropriate tests may be carried out.

The surgery will take place as a day case and therefore you will need the help of your family or close friends during the recovery period. Hiroshi specialises in performing surgery with local anaesthetic and sedation rather than using a general anaesthetic. The benefit to patients are:

  • Less nausea and vomiting
  • Quicker discharge
  • Faster return to daily activities

Find out more about the recovery process.

After Surgery

You will be able to eat and walk shortly after the surgery. When you are mobile enough, you will be fitted with a surgical support brassiere. You will be instructed on how to take the analgesic drugs and when to take the antibiotics, as you will need a short post-operative course. There will be guidance on what you can and cannot do in terms of activity. Usually, you will be able to leave The Centre within 2 hours after the surgery and go home.

If you live more than 1 hour drive away, it is likely that you will be advised to stay overnight at a local hotel. Should you ever need any advice or if there are post-operative problems you will be fully supported with 24-hour emergency contact cover.

After 1 week you will return to The Clinic for wound inspection and a change of dressings. Usually there will be no sutures to remove. If any clinical or surgical advice is needed, Hiroshi will be available at any stage during your recovery. He will usually review you 6 weeks after the operation. You will not be discharged, unless you are totally happy with the results.


Recovery Timeline

While the surgery itself is an important step, understanding the recovery process is crucial for setting realistic expectations. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect along the way:

The First 48 Hours: Focus on rest and pain management. You’ll likely experience swelling, tenderness, and some bruising.

Week One: Take it easy! Pain lessens, but fatigue is common. Wear your support bra as instructed and limit activity.

Weeks 2-4: You’ll see improvement as swelling and bruising decrease. Gradually increase activity but avoid strenuous workouts and heavy lifting.

Weeks 4-12: Most swelling disappears, and you can resume most daily activities, including work and light exercise. However, avoid high-impact activities until cleared. Your breasts will continue to settle into their final shape during this time.

Remember, recovery varies, so listen to your body and prioritise rest. Following your doctor’s instructions is crucial for a smooth journey.

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Transparent Pricing Options

At Hiroshi Nishikawa’s clinic, we believe in providing clear and flexible options to suit your needs. While the exact cost of Breast Augmentation can vary depending on your individual goals and treatment plan, our guide package price starts from £5,866. This includes unlimited aftercare to ensure your recovery is as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Flexible Payment Plans

There are various ways to pay, including our 0% payment plans, subject to status, find out more and use our finance calculator.

10 Months Interest free payment terms

Deposit £0.00
Monthly payments £586.60
APR 0.0%
Total amount payable
(including deposit)

60 Months Interest bearing payment terms

Deposit £0.00
Monthly payments £136.40
APR 14.9%
Total amount payable
(including deposit)


Terms and conditions apply


Your most common questions answered

Have a question about our procedures? Call us to find out more +44 (0) 121 456 8149 or check out the following frequently asked questions from customers.

Can I have a tummy tuck and breast lift at the same time?

If this is clinically judged to be appropriate by your surgeon, then doing both these procedures at the same time is often a very good way of managing the dual cosmetic problem of excess tissue causing looseness and droopiness of the breasts and abdomen. However this will never be recommended if the patient has any significant problems such as a high body mass index (30 is a probably a universal cut off), diabetes or unstable weight or mood.

In the past I have been very susceptible to recurrent mastitis, does this have any relevance?

Mastitis means bacterial infection of the breasts (not the same as mastalgia which is pain in the breasts or inflammation sometimes associated with the menstrual cycle). If it is mastitis, this may be important. If this is spontaneous and unrelated to pregnancy it is quite unusual We would need to have a conversation about when and how often this situation occurs prior to deciding upon breast implants. Putting the implant under the muscle would lessen the chances of infection of the implant during mastitis but if this is a frequent problem I would not recommend any form of breast implant and you will need to be investigated as to the cause (unless this is related to pregnancy or breast feeding).

How soon after breast surgery can I resume exercising?

After breast surgery I believe that normal activity should be resumed as quickly as possible. Normal activity means walking and light duties and this can occur between 24 and 48 hours for some patients, and there is much individual variance. I also believe that when the body is challenged, such as after surgery or any form of trauma, recovery is enhanced with sensible rest. Simple surgical wounds take ten days to heal primarily and three months to reach 70% strength. During this time, in breast augmentation, the capsule that surrounds the implant develops and strengthens and all the inflammation, which is essential for healing subsides. However there is probably much individual variation as to the exact timing in this process as well. Therefore, as a compromise, I would not recommend extreme or severe exercise until at least six to eight weeks has passed. Remember it is possible to keep fit and have a sense of well-being by sensible graded return back to full on exercise, and to do this one should always be in touch with how you feel and of course discuss this with your surgeon or the clinical nurse specialist at any stage.

Can I decide where on my body I want the fat taken from, for breast augmentation?

Yes. As long as there is fat in the location requested then we do our best to harvest from the area of the body the patient requests. This is not always possible but I will discuss that with you during consultation.